Garry's Mod: How To Make Custom Maps

This post will give you some guidance so you can get started making custom maps for Garry's Mod!

Garry's Mod is a super fun game released in 2006, made by Garry Newman and developed by FacePunch Studios. Garry's Mod is a sandbox physics game, where you can pretty much do anything you like and you can build pretty much anything too! There's a great deal of freedom for you to enjoy, and as 20 million copies have been sold, there's also quite a big player base too!

If you don't know much about the concept behind it, take a look at this short trailer from the GamingElder's channel:

Official Garry's Mod Trailer

Garry's Mod allows for huge freedom in creativity, whether you enjoy roleplay or game modes like TTT (trouble in terrorist town), there is a lot of creativity for all types of players to enjoy. This also means there is a ton of freedom for custom map making, whether you release this content for free, or you request payment.

For a more in-depth explanation about Garry's Mod and what you can do, check out this great tutorial video by Grobeman Guides and Gameplay. This video explains what Garry's Mod is and explains some of the game modes:

Video by Grobeman Guides and Gameplay

How To Create Custom Maps

If you're interested in learning about how to make custom maps, this tutorial by Agent Mustache is a great starting point for you to check out:

Video by Agent Mustache

After watching the video you should get an idea of the basics of map creation, and maybe get some ideas flowing about what you could create in your own universe.

Using Tebex For Garry's Mod Content Creation

There are some great Garry's Mod servers using the Tebex platform, and they are very successful at building a custom experience for their player base to enjoy. To run a Garry's Mod server with Tebex, you can connect via our plugin, webhooks, RCON, and MySQL. But if you are a content creator who creates custom maps and content, you don't need to worry about connecting to a server at all, it's actually very simple. Just select the Garry's Mod store, and deliver your custom map via downloadable files, we recommend using .zip files. After this, you should work on getting your store noticed, use social media and show off your great map creations on YouTube.

Before you distribute your content on Tebex, you should go through our checklist:

  • Have you taken plenty of screenshots or a YouTube video showcasing your fantastic content? Your customers need to see it!
  • Have you written a great product description that tells the customer everything about delivery, installation and how they can contact you?
  • Have you decided where to advertise your creation? There are plenty of websites and forums you can showcase your build!
  • Have you created your store? We have a getting started guide that will help you get set up.
  • Have you decided if your content is free or paid? If you plan to take payment for your custom content, you could consider launching your new product with a coupon or sale discount. You can also consider pay what you want pricing.

Need some further help? Just drop us a message at and our friendly support team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Happy map-making!