Tips On Giving The Best Customer Service

Customer service is the bread and butter of your business and you should take a look at this post to make sure you're keeping on top of your service levels. After all, if your customers have a bad experience with your store, they are less likely to return.

Let's watch a short video that provides guidance on how to give good customer service, it's about 6 minutes long:

Video by Neighbourhood

After watching the video, you should have noticed that some of the tips seem like common sense, and that's true of a lot of good basic customer service. Great customer service goes a step further, though.

Take a moment and think of the last time you experienced great customer service. What made you remember that particular time? Did they make you feel a certain way? It's how someone makes us feel that makes a lasting impression, and I'm sure you can remember times when you received customer service that made you feel sad, angry, upset, flustered etc. Great customer service will make you feel pleased, happy, understood, that you are worth someone's time, and make you feel valued.

For gcommerce (that's gaming commerce, if you run a store to sell ingame products or scripts etc, you are in gcommerce), the video provides a lot of good tips for you to think about. For both server owners and content creators, your project's longevity depends on your customers and how you treat them and make them feel.

You should aim to:

Be knowledgeable about your products - Make sure that you are able to answer your customer's questions. If you get frequent questions about a product, include those answers in your product description! Read this blog post for guidance on writing your product descriptions. 
Make your store easy to navigate - Having a store with different sections for each server type (EU, NA, Oceania etc) can be confusing. A good idea is to ask for feedback on how easy your store is to use and take that on board. You might also want to use abandoned basket follow-ups to try to regain the customers who drop out of your store. You'll find this video useful for setting up abandoned basket coupons.
FAQ - If you have a large server or catalogue of products, you might want to use an FAQ. This means if you're not online your customers can easily get the answer they need without waiting for you. Otherwise, you should provide contact options, for example, an email address, a Discord invite, a forum link, and advise the response times. Will you respond within 1 day? Let your customers know when they can expect to get a response from you. You can create a page for your FAQ, find more info here.
Grow your team - If your business or project is going really well and you're struggling to keep up with demand, it might be a good idea to bring on another member to your team. Make sure you train them up in your product so they can give your customers the right help. And make sure your team are good with people! Find out about team accounts here.

A lot of the basics involve knowing your product, being kind and polite, and giving your customers reasonable response time expectations. You should always try to make your customer feel valued and that their problem is important to you, a bad thing to do is be dismissive!  

Stay Professional

When you are in customer service, sometimes you will experience angry or nasty customers. This can be difficult, but it's important that you take steps to remain calm and never escalate the problem. Here's a short, <2 min video that shows how to handle a complaint and what you should and shouldn't do:

Video by Canity

By arguing with a customer, the complaint will escalate and the customer's memories of their interaction with your project or business will be negative. It is likely that customers will spread the word about avoiding your company as well, or they might even complain to Tebex about you. We don't enjoy dealing with complaints about Tebex stores, so it's important that you stay calm and work to de-escalate the disagreement as best you can.

After the disagreement is resolved or handled, you may decide that you do not want this customer to return to your store, and this is perfectly fine. Simply head to Customers > Bans and you can ban this customer from returning to you in the future.

All in all, giving your customers good service is very important and you should always make the extra effort for your customer. Good luck!

You might also find these links useful:

How to use coupons, Sales strategies, How to write your product descriptions, Protecting your account, Tebex Academy Youtube channel.