The Basics, Part 2: Creating Your Store.

You should have already created your account and your store, and installed the plugin/Discord bot if necessary before moving on to this part of the tutorial.

Explore The Control Panel

Now you have created your store, it's time to explore the control panel and see all of the features you can use to make the most of your store. There is a lot to discover with the control panel, don't worry as we do have documentation on our features in our knowledge base, click here. The best thing to do is explore slowly and learn in smaller chunks so you can absorb everything.

Sales, coupons, community goals, payment methods, packages...! There's a lot to unpack here, and some of it we don't need straight away, so we can safely forget about them until later on when we have our store set up.

Explore slowly, and take things in one at a time.
Set yourself a goal of completing a simple store, nothing more, before you look at activating the extra features Tebex provides. (This tutorial will walk you through setting up a simple store, so you only need to work your way through this tutorial).

So at this point, just take a look around the control panel and get used to how things look, check out your profile, and look around at what features are available.

Customising The Look Of Your Store

Tebex does provide a way for you to customise your store, you can simply change the colour of your store theme at the click of a button, or if you're knowledgeable with HTML and CSS then you can really make your store stand out. We do also sell some pre-made templates (complete with free themes) for people who want an easy solution to a store that is pretty in its simplicity.

To look at your basic store, you should go to your dashboard and look in the top right, where you will see a button 'View Webstore'. This will be a button you use a lot while you're working on your store, but keep in mind that sometimes changes you make in your control panel may take a few minutes to be reflected on your live store.

By default, your store is set to use the Abstract template. You can easily change this by going to your control panel and clicking Webstore > Appearance. You will now see a new page with various customisation options, we're going to focus on Template and Theme only for now though.

But, what is the difference? In very simple terms:

Template - think of a store template as a cake. It has a certain shape, and the shape is the same on each store using that is using that cake.

Many stores may be using the same template, but they will look different because they are using different themes.
Theme - think of the store theme as the icing on the cake. You can change the colour of the icing, the type of icing, and the unique flavour.

The theme of the store lets you customise the colour and appearance of your store.

Our knowledge base breaks down the various options for customising your themes and templates, you can find this here.

For beginners with little or no experience in coding, we would recommend using the free Abstract template (with your colour theme of choice) or purchasing a Premium theme if you find one that suits your store as this is a simple ready-made option. Not forgetting, you can upload a store logo, favicon, and package icons, so if you use a standard template, you can still make your store look unique to your community!

Next page: part 3.

Previous page: part 1.