Minecraft Creativity: The Uncensored Library

This post will highlight the fantastic build and concept of The Uncensored Library.

About Minecraft

Minecraft is quite possibly one of the most inventive games today, it is certainly the most sold game of all time - the simplicity of the base game means that the player is truly able to express their creativity to levels seldom seen before as a player. Minecraft is a game where the player builds a world block by block, allowing the creator to create a universe born of their imagination. For many, this expression comes in the form of art such as recreating a famous landscape ingame, for many others, this comes in the form of collaborative or solo play, such as the popular Skyblock or Survival. In the world of games, at this point in time, we are truly able to experience video gaming with more freedom than we ever have before.

We've previously highlighted a fantastic build of Starry Night (Vincent van Gogh) by ChrisDaCow, and now we're looking at a completely different concept of building in Minecraft.

The Uncensored Library

Today we’re highlighting a wonderful project that uses the freedom of video games to allow players to access journalism and texts that they may not be able to access in their normal lives, perhaps due to restrictions in their country. The Uncensored Library is a truly remarkable and ambitious concept of Journalists Without Borders and created by Blockworks.

Released in March 2020, The Uncensored Library provides a loophole for citizens of countries with a restrictive press, as Minecraft itself is not restricted, players are able to log on and access news and updates about events that are not being reported in their home state in traditional news media.

The build of the library is also highly impressive and is really something special to behold, and is epic in its scale. It is most definitely something that should be explored and enjoyed and the fact that the library is also providing a service for people to understand what is happening in the wider world is highly commendable.

Minecraft is, at its heart, a truly fantastic platform to create a unique universe, we have thousands of Minecraft servers using Tebex and we help them where we are able to, to push boundaries and realise their goals. The Uncensored Library does not use Tebex, of course, but it is such a great idea and a wonderful representation of the boundless possibilities of this very special game, that we thought it was important to share this impressive project (and build) with many game server owners. Server owners, as you may know, also create fantastic worlds and universes for players to enjoy and engage with and it seems the creativity that Minecraft encourages shows no signs of slowing down.

Take A Tour

If you want to take a tour of The Uncensored Library, give this video a watch by CaptainSparklez:

Video by CaptainSparklez

There are many other beautiful builds in Minecraft that showcase just how imaginative the fantastic game of Minecraft truly is. As Minecraft shows no sign of slowing down, and with new updates being released, there are many more creative builds to come and we're excited to see what people create!

For now, you should definitely check out The Uncensored Library at this server IP: visit.uncensoredlibrary.com. and explore the online library created for anyone and everyone to use!

Happy building!