The Difference Between Chargebacks And Refunds

This post will clear up some confusion about chargebacks and refunds. They are not the same thing!

The Difference

Before we begin, let's take a quick look at this short video by Cardinity:

Video by Cardinity
Chargeback - The customer goes directly to the bank/payment provider in an attempt to reclaim the money. This can be a lengthy process, incur fees, and can be very stressful. 
Refund - The customer goes to the merchant to request a refund. In the case of Tebex stores, the customer can request this from the store owner, or get in touch with Tebex support to discuss their request.

The difference may seem small, but they are in fact very different processes and have different consequences!

When Should I Refund?

If you are contacted by a customer for support with their purchase, we recommend resolving this in the most pleasant and stress-free way for you and the customer, and you may want to make sure you've read the tips on this post about giving great customer service here.

We do understand that there are some times when you aren't able to give a refund for the purchase, and this can be for various reasons, such as the product was delivered and consumed (this means it was used in-game, for example, if ingame coins were bought, delivered, and spent ingame).

If you want to refund a payment on Tebex, you simply need to view the payment in your control panel and click "Refund", and the payment will be back in the customer's account within 10 business days. It should be noted that some payment methods are not refundable, for example, Paysafecard or Razer Gold, in this case, you could offer a gift card to your store for equal value.

What Happens If A Customer Initiates A Chargeback?

When a customer has decided to contact their payment provider to reclaim their funds, they will be banned from the Tebex platform. We do this because this actually causes financial harm to everyone involved and is a last resort. Chargebacks incur fees to Tebex, and in the case of stores without seller protection, to the store itself. It would be untenable to allow a customer to stay on our platform after causing financial harm to us.

The payment provider will review the case and this can take a long time to resolve, sometimes more than a month. Eventually, a decision will be made in either the customer's favour or Tebex.

We hope this helps you understand the difference between refunds and chargebacks. If you have any further questions about either, please get in touch at and the team will be happy to help.