Feature Spotlight: Enhanced user verification and User actions

Over the past few months, we've been adding new features based on your suggestions. Today we're pleased to announce two updates to a recent feature in response to your feedback: enhancements to the user verification webhook and user actions.

User verification

As an extension to the user verification webhook, we are now sending the user's UUID, country and IP address in addition to the username. This will allow you to perform additional checks and add additional rules, further customising your verification processes. Ideas for this could include:

  • Ensuring that the IP address for the user matches the IP address they use to login to your server
  • Blocking users from certain countries known to be problematic for chargebacks, unless they are a known user to your community.

As a further extension to this, you can now return a custom welcome message as part of the verification response. This works in a very similar way to the custom error message, except it is returned when a user has been successfully verified. This could be used to highlight changes since the user last logged in, or welcoming them back after a lengthy absence for example.

To find out more about these changes, read our updated help article.

IGN verification: User actions

As a further upgrade to the user verification, you can now add certain actions which can be performed on the webstore in the response:

  • Allow for a discount that would normally be inactive to be applied
  • Automatically apply a coupon code
  • Allow the user to see a category that is normally disabled
  • Allow the user to see a product that is normally disabled

These could be used for a wide range of reasons, including:

  • Offer discounts to certain regular customers
  • Have 'exclusive' products that are only available to specific users (staff or Youtubers for example)
  • One time discounts for brand new visitors to your store

This is all activated as part of the user verification webhook. To find out all the details on how to use this, check out the set up guide.

Continuous Improvement

We are always looking to improve the Buycraft platform, both through ideas we've had but also through your suggestions. We do try to action suggestions as quickly as possible - for example the user actions idea was only suggested two days ago! If you have any suggestions for features you'd like to see, we'd love to know!