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Boost Conversions With Abandoned Basket Recovery

A couple of months ago, we announced a new feature for our Enterprise customers to help boost conversions by offering a recovery mechanism for abandoned baskets. For this

by Liam Wiltshire Posted on 11 December 2017

A couple of months ago, we announced a new feature for our Enterprise customers to help boost conversions by offering a recovery mechanism for abandoned baskets. For this initial launch we only supported recovery by email - meaning that only customers that had provided an email address would be reachable, but even with this limitation the results have been even better than we could have anticipated:

  • Over 5,000 recovery emails sent
  • 12.7% success rate
  • Over 10,000 USD of additional revenue generated for our merchants

To capitalise on this success and to provide more opportunities for our merchants to maximise their conversions we are proud to announce the second stage of this feature - in game abandoned basket recovery.

With in-game recovery, you can opt to send players messages in-game if they abandoned a basket. This will allow you to reach out to a much larger number of your potential customers, (everyone who logs into your store provides their IGN at login) whereas only a much smaller proportion provides an email address. The messages can be customised to ensure it is in the same style as the rest of your messages and includes the same support for controlling the delay before the message is sent and optionally providing a discount.

We're very excited about the potential of this new feature - especially with Christmas sales just around the corner! We have already seen the potential for this to generate our merchants more sales and more revenue and we only expect this to grow even more in this new update.

If you'd like to find out how Enterprise features could help you improve your conversion rate and generate additional revenue, we'd love to hear from you. If you are an Enterprise customer and you want to get started with this feature you can find it in your abandoned basket settings.

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